Laura Smet, stressed mom: this terrible “anxiety” that she refuses to pass on to her son Leo

She will soon make her debut on the boards, in the theater, in the playe The Uncertainty Principle, by Simon Stephens. On this occasion, Laura Smet will find Louis-Do De Lencquesaing, who is directing the show, which is rather a good omen for the actress: he was also there when she had obtained her first role in the cinema, in the film The impatient bodies – he played the role of a doctor. Decidedly, in recent months, the daughter of Johnny Hallyday and Nathalie Baye connects the new experiences.

On the private side, Laura Met actually became the mother of a little boy baptized Léo, born on October 7, 2020 from her marriage to Raphaël Lancrey-Javal – they married civilly in December 2018 then religiously, in Cap Ferret, in June 2019 It is moreover her new life as a mother that pushed her, among other things, to get closer to the theater. A need to go back to basics and a desire, in terms of planning, to be able to enjoy his family without going away for months for the good of a shoot. “I only need my son and my husband to be happyshe explains in the columns of Female Version, – which she is on the cover, beautiful and slim – The rest, the cinema, the roles, it’s a bonus. And you have to accept that an acting career is made up of ups and downs. Being a mom brought me back to basics. That’s probably why I wanted to theatre, it’s also the very essence of this profession.

I force myself to transform these moments of stress into great joys

If she does not put her career aside, Laura Smet is ready to make some concessions for the well-being of Leo. And to make a lot of effort so that their relationship always remains close. “I am happy that my child has arrived after all that has happened. The only thing that matters to me is that my son is happy, and I will do everything to ensure that the dialogue is never broken between us.she continues. I learn every day from him, I try to improve myself. For example, I’m really freaked out when I leave but, since I don’t want to pass on this anxiety to her, I force myself to transform these moments of stress into great joy.“By becoming a theater actress, Laura Smet should, less and less, encounter this kind of situation.

Find the full interview with Laura Smet in the Version Femina magazine of August 22, 2022.

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