Laura Smet and David Hallyday boycotted by Laeticia? This new decision to protect themselves from them that makes people talk!

It’s been almost 5 years since Johnny Hallyday breathed his last at the age of 74. In 2017 after a long fight against the disease, the interpreter of Allumer le feu died in his sumptuous residence in Marnes-La-Coquette. In the process, his widow Laeticia Hallyday organized him – with the support of the Macron couple – a funeral worthy of a rockstar at the Church of La Madeleine in Paris. Subsequently, Johnny Hallyday was buried as he wished in Saint-Barthélemy.

But very quickly, the opening of his will aroused great tension within his clan. Indeed, Laeticia Hallyday and her two daughters Jade and Joy have been designated as sole beneficiaries. Feeling aggrieved, David Hallyday and Laura Smet then launched legal proceedings which lasted several months. After countless twists and turns, the two parties finally found common ground. But the bitterness and anger are still present…

She kept her word…”

“I reached out my hand several times, I would have liked this history of inheritance to remain in the family, that we talk to each other around a table four years ago, when Johnny left, that we could talk my husband’s decisionsregretted Laeticia Hallyday in the columns of Parisian. To date, the businesswoman is struggling alone to pay off some of Johnny Hallyday’s debts. At the same time, Jalil Lespert’s companion is doing her best to perpetuate the artistic legacy of her late husband.

The traveling exhibition centered on the star is eagerly awaited by its admirers… But not only! On December 8, M6 will broadcast an unpublished report on the Taulier. Thus, viewers will be able to (re) discover personal archives revealed by Laeticia Hallyday. “ She gave us the images, giving us carte blanche, promising that she wouldn’t take anything away. She kept her word”confessed William Karel, the director as indicated Here is. But to believe his words, all the sequences with David and Laura would have been cut. “So as not to have any problems”, he justified. It remains to be seen whether this choice will not rekindle certain wounds…


to see also: Laeticia Hallyday and Jalil Lespert: an increasingly scary couple!

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