Laura Smet after the stroke, the appeasement in the arms of Pascal Obispo!

In this summer period, Laura Smet intends to take advantage of her loved ones out of sight. But the number of a famous magazine had the merit of ulcerating it last July. Indeed, he honored a moment of intimacy with his son at sea. The possibility of a new pregnancy was also highlighted in the paper. “Today, she – especially Raphaël (her husband’s note) would not be against a second”, we learned.

Annoyed, Laura Smet then seized her networks to express her anger. “I was born to star parents, who chose each other, loved each other and gave me life, they protected me as much as they could. When I was born, I was on the front page of Paris Match, it was the 80s and my parents chose to make this publication to see peace afterwards.explained the daughter of Nathalie Baye and Johnny Hallyday on the Web. “During my youth, I was completely protected from this messy and toxic press. At 17 I chose to do a job where I am exposed and I have always assumed the consequences […] ».

“Small day between neighbors…”

As a real mother hen, the actress does not want to do the same with her little Leo: “I know enough about the damage caused by exposure during childhood to demand my son’s anonymity today. I am fiercely opposed to the exposure of children on the networks. Can we leave my family alone and respect my privacy? Thanks for him. And for us”.

The latest news, David Hallyday’s half-sister is having a good time with the family with Pascal Obispo. This Monday 1er August, Sean’s dad also posed with Laura Smet on Instagram. Sunglasses on the nose, the two artists seemed to be sunbathing. “Short day between neighbors and especially FRIENDS forever”, captioned the singer, tagging the actress’ darling Raphael Lancrey-Javal via his post. We let you admire!


to see also: “I didn’t stab anyone at least”, has Joy Hallyday just settled accounts with Laura Smet and David? Nothing stops him !

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