Laura Laune very moved in “Quelle Époque!”, she reveals having been a victim of domestic violence

In 2017, Laura Laune was revealed to the general public by his noted participation in season 12 of France has an unbelievable talent, marked by the disappearance in the editing of Gilbert Rozon, accused at the same time by several women of having sexually abused them. Guest of What an erathe comedian who has been a hit everywhere in France for six years, returned with emotion to the testimony of Judith Godreche evoking the controlling relationship she shared with director Benoît Jacquot when she was only 14 years old, and he was 26 years her senior; a testimony which greatly moved Laura Laune, who endeavored to testify on physical and psychological violence that she herself suffered, from her ex-partnerand which she decided to evoke, with humor, in her new show Glory Hallelujahon tour throughout France.

“I needed to tell everything that happened behind the scenes during that first tour of my first show; It was working better and better professionally, it was great. And there was this gap with my private life, where it was very, very complicated. I wanted to talk about it, because what made me aware of what was happening was the testimonies of other people who had experienced the same thing as me. I became aware of the importance of testimonies, and in fact, I said to myself (that) if talking about it can help even just one person, it’s a win.” explained the best friend of Jérémy Ferrari, with whom she co-writes her texts.

And to continue: “What I especially wanted to address is the phenomenon of psychological influence and that’s a bit like the theme of the last song of the show” she closed, cut by Léa Salamé who wanted to emphasize that this closing song of the show was “breathtaking” And “to have”in particular by people who, like Laura Laune and Judith Godrèche, have been victims of control and/or psychological violence.

She reveals for the first time that she is autistic

In this same interview, Laura Laune returned for the first time to the autistic disorder that she was diagnosed with. “Four years ago” : “I have a friend who told me: You have autistic traits, you should dig. At first, I said to myself: No, because I had very cliché images. There are plenty of examples. I always say that being autistic is like living in a country where you don’t know the language or the culture. It’s trying to decode social codes. It’s not an illness (…) It’s going to be a shift, sometimes the difficulty of social situations, they are quite complicated, This situation alone is very complicated for me; it generates a lot of physical fatigue, lots of recovery. In fact, to be honest, as soon as I leave my house, it’s an ordeal. Everything is complicated (…) It’s an invisible handicap” declared the 37-year-old comedian.

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