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The Elysée launched, Thursday, September 8, the National Council for Refoundation (CNR). In her column “Le rendezvous politique”, journalist Caroline Motte takes stock of this CNR and the rest of the political news.
Emmanuel Macron launches, Thursday, September 8, the National Refoundation Council in Marcoussis (Essonne), at the National Rugby Centre. “For the Élysée, it is a question of oxygenating democracy, but many are those who wonder what this Council will be used for National Refoundation”Explain journalist Caroline Motte, live on the 12/13 set of France 3, Thursday.
Not everyone responded to the president’s call. “We talk more about the absentees. The entire opposition boycotts the meeting, accusing the head of state of circumventing the institutions”, reports journalist Anne Bourse, live from Marcoussis. On their side, “the CGT and Force Ouvrière did not make the trip”, she adds. Those present expressed their scepticism, such as Laurent Berger (CFDT). Besides, its confirmed by Caroline Motte on set, the choice of the acronym “CNR” is assumed: it is even a nod to the “National Council of Resistance”.
In the rest of the political news of the day, Caroline Motte recalls the release of the book Upheavals by Francois Hollande. “This is the fifth book that François Hollande has published since he left power. This time, he shares his diagnosis as a former president on the geopolitical situation: war in Ukraine, health crisis, democracy under threat. ..”describes the journalist.