The National Commission for Heritage and Architecture must decide in May on this project, supported by the Archbishop of Paris, Mgr Laurent Ulrich.
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The Minister of Culture, Rachida Dati, will set up an artistic committee on Friday responsible for appointing the artist who will design six contemporary stained glass windows for the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris, we learned from the ministry, confirming information from Le Figaro .
Made up of 20 members, heritage curators, artists, members of the diocese of Paris, the public establishment responsible for the reconstruction project and the Ministry of Culture, this committee will be responsible for a call for applications, then to designate “a winning pair” (an artist and a glass workshop) in November 2024, in order to present a prototype for the reopening of the cathedral, scheduled for December 8.
These stained glass windows, desired by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, who made the announcement at the end of December, will be contemporary but “figurative” and installed in six chapels, not before 2026 however, according to Le Figaro.
Ravaged by a fire in April 2019, Notre-Dame de Paris must reopen after a titanic five-year reconstruction project. Its spire should be fully visible in the sky for the Olympic Games this summer (July 26-August 11).
Its surroundings must subsequently be redeveloped, sector by sector, from 2025 to 2028, according to Paris town hall.