The sixth edition of the Safthon started in France last Saturday in Dijon. FAS is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, the most severe form of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). A dozen press conferences are organized by the SAF France association until September 7 to raise awareness of this problem, before the world day dedicated to this scourge on September 9.
More than 15,000 new cases of FASD per year in France
FASD affects 15,000 newborns each year in France and more than 560 in Burgundy, i.e. two babies every day. Two out of a hundred children are therefore affected by these disorders and one out of a thousand newborns is born with FAS.
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, the least well-informed region
However, three quarters of the inhabitants of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté are unaware of the ravages linked to the alcoholism of mothers during their pregnancy, which makes the region the least well informed on the subject in France. Yet it is the leading cause of non-genetic and avoidable disability. A few glasses of alcohol taken by a pregnant woman can be enough to cause irreversible damage to the developing fetus. Denis Lamblin is a pediatrician and president of Safthon, he insists that all pregnant women are concerned.
Patrick Chauvin’s daughter has Fetal Alcohol Disorder. Now 23 years old, Hinatea suffers from many disabilities. Her father, vice-president of Safthon, is fighting for better information to be given to pregnant women.
– Claire Checcaglini