last straight line for the 12 candidates in the running for the first round


France 3

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Cyril Graziani, head of the political department for France Télévisions, is present on the set of 19/20, Sunday April 3. Seven days before the first round of the presidential election, the candidates now have less than a week to convince.

Everywhere in France, the 12 candidates for the presidential election go to meet their voters or their activists. Yannick Jadot, who was on the morning of Sunday April 3 on a market, recalled his priorities: the climate, health, public services, social justice and purchasing power, he listed. “Efficient voting is green voting, for that”he concluded.

Regarding the highs and lows of the week, Marine Le Pen “grabs points in the first round and gets closer to Emmanuel Macron”, says the journalist. In the event of a duel in the second round, it would accumulate 47% of the voting intentions. Emmanuel Macron brought together no less than 30,000 people on Saturday April 2 at the Nanterre Arena (Hauts-de-Seine). He castigated the extreme right, “without naming his opponents”. To remind the left that it will have to block? “Emmanuel Macron does not even calculate you, you have seen him at work for five years”replied Anne Hidalgo, the candidate of the Socialist Party.

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