last straight line for Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron before the debate between the two rounds



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The head of the political department of France Télévisions, Cyril Graziani, is present on the set of 19/20, Sunday April 17. He deciphers the political news of the in-between rounds, one week before the second round.

The between-two-rounds marks the start of the campaign of Emmanuel Macron, who had previously “conspicuous by his absence“, indicates Cyril Graziani, head of the political service of France Télévisions. Since Sunday April 10, the two candidates go blow for blow. In Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), Emmanuel Macron left on Saturday to hunt for Yannick voters Jadot and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The president-candidate also directly targeted Marine Le Pen.”Even incompetent, she is climatosceptic“, he quipped.

Marine le Pen replied on Sunday April 17, on the set of Dimanche en politique, on France 3. “This is the typical example of an anathema“, she declared. The traditional debate between the two rounds will take place on Wednesday, April 20. Marine Le Pen has gone green for “prepare for the best“, specifies Cyril Graziani.

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