last pleading for Salah Abdeslam’s lawyers



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In the trial of November 13, the floor was, Friday, June 24, in the defense of Salah Abdeslam, the only member of the commandos who struck Paris and Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis) to be still alive.

Friday, June 24, the lawyers of Salah Abdeslam engaged in a last long pleading, lasting four hours, to avoid him the incompressible life imprisonment sentence that the anti-terrorism prosecution demanded. “They compare her to a ‘social death penalty sign of a military tribunal’ or even to a ‘white torture sentence‘, without hope of release“, explains journalist Sophie Neumayer from the Paris Courthouse.

The two lawyers described how the “little guy” from Molenbeek became a temporary worker for the Islamic State group, without really knowing, they assure, what he was participating in. They assure that he has given up triggering his explosive belt that evening and that he cannot to be considered as a co-perpetrator of the attacks committed on November 13, as the prosecution claims.Salah Abdeslam, who at times seemed moved, will have the floor one last time on Monday.

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