Last minute – Singer Adele at her worst: tears, “rolling” illness and terrible announcement on her social networks …

The fans were happy. More than ever. To find the most talented of singers. Everything was to start this Friday, January 21, in Las Vegas (Nevada).

But this exceptional residence is now taking a new turn… and a sad announcement has ruined everything!

During the night, this Thursday, Adele was forced to speak on her social networks to share very bad news: the postponement of this series of concerts.

“We tried absolutely everything we could to get everything ready on time (…) but we were crushed by delivery times and the Covid”, notably entrusted the star, exhausted and in tears.

Adele claimed in her high-profile post that the “half of (his) team” is currently infected with the virus. The artist of course apologized to all those who had already made the trip to Vegas and were eager to hear and admire him on stage.

For the moment, no new date has been announced. The teams are working on it in order to bring back the interpreter of Easy On Me stronger than ever!

See also: “I dread not being able to move”, the ex-star of “Under the sun”, Tonya Kinzinger, makes touching confidences …


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