last minute gifts for less than 50 euros!

For the essentials of literature

©David Izquierdo Roger / Alamy / Abaca

Audible is THE ideal gift for fathers who love literature… and not only! Indeed, your dad will be able to listen for hours to famous titles like Twenty thousand leagues under the sea of Jules or Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by JK Rowling and original podcasts made by Audible Original, the app’s studio.

Audible Gift Card, from €9.95

For the info pros

Perhaps your dad prefers to read newspapers and learn about the various facts? Launched a few months ago, Les Dossiers de Chroniques Criminelles is a bimonthly magazine that lets you discover all the stories of the most significant judicial investigations, behind the scenes of crime, extraordinary personalities, famous or little-known cases, sometimes strange or disturbing…

Criminal Chronicles Files, €23.94 for 1 year

For big partygoers

©A Little Moss

A discovery that unpacks every month! What more could you ask for to mark the spirits? With Une Petite Mousse, have your dad delivered quality craft beers, carefully chosen from around the world.

Box craft beers, A Little Mousse, €25.95

For the most craftsmen


Make your own mozzarella, create custom wine or carve your wooden cutlery? It is quite possible thanks to the Wecandoo workshops, offered everywhere in France. Unforgettable experiences to live alone or with others!


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