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Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen will face each other on Wednesday April 20, during the second round debate, four days before the decisive ballot. To gain new paths, they both returned to certain measures, adding nuance.
Marine Le Pen in Calvados on Monday April 18 in the morning, Emmanuel Macron at C à vous in the evening. The campaign continues, and to convince new voters, the two candidates are trying a few changes. First with the thorny subject of retirement at 65 for Emmanuel Macron, who maintains his desire to push back the legal age by four months a year from 2023. But for the past week he has said he is ready for adjustments. Another theme to lean to the left: ecology. For example, he insists on his wish to build new wind turbines, when Marine Le Pen wants to dismantle them. On Saturday April 16 in Marseille, he spoke about ecological planning.
For her part, Marine Le Pen temporizes on the question of the veil. In its program, it initially proposes its prohibition in the public space, including thus in the street. Another reversal on the question of the death penalty. Last week she said her recovery could be the subject of a citizens’ initiative referendum, before turning around. The two candidates will be able to confront their ideas on Wednesday April 20, during the debate between two rounds.