last day to fulfill wishes on the platform

Candidates can register a maximum of ten wishes and twenty sub-votes among all the formations recognized by the State, without having to classify them. They then have until April 7 to refine their cover letters and application files.

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The countdown has started. Terminal high school students and young people in reorientation have until midnight, Tuesday, March 29, to express their wishes in Parcoursup, the platform for admission to higher education.

Candidates can register a maximum of ten wishes and twenty sub-votes among all the formations recognized by the State, without having to classify them. They then have until April 7 to refine their cover letters and application files.

The post-baccalaureate admissions platform has caused a lot of ink to flow since its creation four years ago, with many accusing it of introducing selection at the university. Several left-wing presidential candidates are proposing to remove it.

“Energizing the formations”

While many recognize progress compared to APB – in particular the end of the draw, the creation of quotas for scholarship holders or information on the training provided by the platform –, unions and specialists in the subject however point to shortcomings in Parcoursup.

For Hervé Christofol, member of the national office of the Snesup-FSU union, “we are of course not going to return to paper registration and queues in front of each university”corn “we must abandon the non-classification of wishes, which has created a real tension in training, and has resulted in overbooking”.

The fact that the proposals are made “over the water” is also criticized, with candidates often finding themselves on the waiting list. They will be able to receive answers this year from June 2 until September.

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