last day of campaign for Marine Le Pen in Pas-de-Calais


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The National Rally candidate, Marine Le Pen, is making a final campaign trip to Pas-de-Calais on Friday, April 22. The journalist Valéry Lerouge, live from Berck, provides details on his future schedule.

Marine Le Pen is making her last campaign trip to Pas-de-Calais on Friday, April 22 before the second round, which will take place on Sunday. A relocation “that she wanted closer to the French” precise journalist Valéry Lerouge, live from Berck (Pas-de-Calais). After a lunch with several caregivers in a hospital, the candidate of the National Rally “will descend on the beach to take a little height in the middle of the International Kite Meetings, and this will be the end image of this campaign”reports the journalist.

“Then, radio silence for almost 48 hours since the law requires it. She will rest at her home in Celle-Saint-Cloud [Yvelines]while his campaign team prepares the victory scenario”continues Valéry Lerouge, who indicates that the entourage of the candidate is considering a “parade of 13 buses that criss-crossed France for three months”, in Paris. “What is safer, and we have been confirmed, it would be a rally at Place de la Concorde, in Paris, the symbol of national unity”explains the journalist.

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