last day for those over 65 eligible for the reminder before deactivation of their health pass

What there is to know

Tuesday, December 14, is the last day for those over 65 eligible for the booster to receive their dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, if their second dose is more than seven months old. Otherwise, their health pass will be deactivated from Wednesday. It seems unlikely that an additional time will be granted by the government, Olivier Véran having suggested in recent days that the elderly had been given the time necessary to receive this injection. Follow our live.

400,000 seniors have not yet received their booster dose. Out of nearly 8.5 million French people over 65 eligible for the vaccine booster against Covid-19 and fully vaccinated, 400,000 have not yet received their booster injection. This represents 5% of this age group.

Olivier Véran hopes “20 million recalls by Christmas”. The Minister of Health on Friday set the goal of vaccinating 20 million French people with a booster dose by Christmas. Such a goal, which he said would constitute “a real feat”, would involve continuing to “be at 500, 600, 700,000 booster vaccinations per day”.

No further restrictions in prospect. “We are not heading towards containment. But to say that it will never happen again is impossible”, warned Olivier Véran on Saturday. “New restrictions are not on the agenda, but let’s remain cautious and continue the efforts”, he added.

During the end of year celebrations, it will be necessary to “limit the number of participants”. As the holidays approach, the Scientific Council details a series of measures to be applied in the private sphere in the face of the epidemic. It recommends in particular to “limit the number of participants [et] to ensure that frail people have received their booster dose “.

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