Last campaign rally | Marine Le Pen sounds the charge against “the arrogant” Emmanuel Macron

(Arras) Marine Le Pen forcefully attacked, at her last rally in Arras on Thursday, her opponent Emmanuel Macron, of “unlimited arrogance”, who “does not like the French”, calling for an “anti- -Macron” and presenting herself as “the president of respect”.

Posted at 1:51 p.m.

“I have had enough of this permanent disrespect: I will be the president of respect for the French and I know that they are desperately waiting for respect”, launched the candidate of the National Rally, from more than 3,000 activists who repeatedly booed the outgoing president.

In the televised debate which opposed the two candidates on Wednesday “we saw a nonchalant, condescending Emmanuel Macron, and of limitless arrogance”, tackled the contender for the Élysée.

“A president should not stand like that. But are we really surprised? His attitude last night, his disdain, is the one with which he has treated the French for almost 5 years, ”she said.

According to the far-right candidate, “Emmanuel Macron’s attitude yesterday (at the debate) is so revealing of a five-year period of democratic disintegration”.

“Macron hanging”, was heard in the public when the candidate compared the ballot on Sunday to a referendum to the question “Macron or France? “.

“Obviously, it’s France,” she said, calling again to “block” against the outgoing president.

“To block, we do not abstain, we vote, and we vote for the only front which is republican, the Anti-Macron Front”, she said, while Emmanuel Macron was declared the winner on Sunday between 55.5 and 57.5%, according to the polls. Marine Le Pen had suffered in the regional elections from the abstention of her voters, working classes and young people in the lead.

“We don’t want to see the suffering of people, the great poverty, the feeling of abandonment”, according to her. “Can we entrust 5 more years to a president who shrugs his shoulders when we talk to him about the massive and anarchic immigration he has brought into our country? A president who shrugs his shoulders when we talk about this insecurity, this wildness, which wounds in their flesh so many of our compatriots? she asked.

“Can we entrust 5 more years to a president who shrugs his shoulders and never questions himself, when we talk about the terrible weakening of purchasing power? “, she continued, under the clamor of a unanimous “no” from the public.

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