largest meteorite crater found on Mars



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A 200-ton meteorite has crashed on Mars, NASA announced Thursday, October 27, during a much-awaited press conference.

This is a major advance in the exploration of Mars, which is materialized by two discoveries. On the one hand, this enormous crater, formed by the fall of a meteorite, on December 24th. The collision caused chunks of ice buried in the ground to erupt all around the crater. The impact was detected by the French seismograph onboard NASA’s InSight module.

In orbit, the American probe, Reconnaissance, then located and photographed the crater. The ground module, the probe in orbit, also have areas of seismic activity, which upset what we thought we knew about Mars. It is too early to say with certainty that this intense activity in the Martian subsoil is a sign of the presence of a form of life. But this new discovery indicates that Mars is a living planet.

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