Nearly half of them consider themselves too dependent on foreign suppliers. This is what emerges from a survey conducted by OpinionWay for the research company By.O Groupe.
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This result resonates all the more after the remarks of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, at the Davos Economic Forum, Wednesday January 17. The Head of State spoke out in favor of a significant strengthening of the economic sovereignty of Europe in general and of France in particular. Of the 500 companies surveyed by OpinionWay, between October and November 2023, a little more than 80% of the bosses questioned say they are sovereign, claiming the blue white red flag, but a dividing line appears between large and small companies.
For large companies, the sovereign aspect remains an illusion. That is to say that, even if the large groups display their French nationality, they today consider themselves too dependent on foreigners to supply themselves with inputs (the elements which go into the manufacture of a product ). Some 45% of French companies believe they are no longer sovereign in the production of their goods, with 37% considering this in 2022. The proportion continues to increase.
Only 5% believe that relocating would be a solution
The dependence of French companies on suppliers abroad is considered to be an obstacle to their growth. And it’s not just raw materials that pose a problem. In addition to the difficulties encountered in supply chains, the companies surveyed regret increasingly difficult access to intermediate goods (IT products, electronic components, etc.); but also, and above all, to research and development resources which are none other than human gray matter.
Only 5% of the companies surveyed believe that returning to France would be a solution to resolve the issue. This study is very enlightening on the notion of producing in France and the perception that companies have of it in terms of efficiency on their growth. Beyond the blue, white and red image that is close to their hearts, it is price competitiveness that concerns them the most. Producing made in France with fewer taxes to hire more easily and depend less on foreign suppliers is ultimately the message sent.