LARGE FORMAT. Which species could disappear near you? Explore our inventory of biodiversity at risk

For this large format, franceinfo was assisted by Patrinat, the center of expertise and data on natural heritage, which brings together the French Office for Biodiversity (OFB), the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the National Museum of Natural History (MNHN).

Based on their data and their expertise, we have chosen to highlight 63 species (fauna and flora) particularly under local pressure. To do this, we relied on the methodology of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which classifies species according to the threat they face. Initially developed for analysis on a global scale, this categorization of species (“critically endangered”, “endangered” or “vulnerable”) also applies at the national or regional level. In France, two lists classify the species present on the territory: the national red list governed by the National Inventory of Natural Heritage (INPN) and the finer regional red lists.

It is the latter that we have used to calculate the total number of threatened species for all the regions of metropolitan France. When this data did not exist, we relied on the work of the OFB’s regional experts to select the most relevant species, from the national red list for the overseas departments or even from the world list, for certain territories such as Wallis and Futuna or Clipperton.

We especially thank Guillaume Gigot and Arzhvaël Jeusset, from Patrinat, as well as the OFB experts in the territories for their precious help throughout this work.

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