Large families: New pregnancy among the Gayats, a baby expected in a very short time!

This is news that has been hidden for a long time that has just been announced! A new baby is expected in the Gayat family, star clan of the show Large families, life in XXL. Olivier and Soukdavone who have nine children, including young adults who are now living their own lives, will now become, once again, grandparents !

Saturday April 9, 2022, the tribe unveiled a photo of Téo (the second boy in the family) and his partner Marie. He holds her in his arms and places his hands on her stomach. She, for her part, wears a light outfit, with bare shoulders and airy purple as well as a crown of flowers on her head. And what is obvious is the young woman’s already well advanced pregnancy! Indeed, his belly is already very very rounded. So they hid this big news for a long time.

And 2!! We are very happy to announce that a second grandchild has arrived in the Gayat Family. Congratulations to the lovers @marie_teo_gayat for this happy event, we are the happiest“, is it written in legend. To which, sister Olivia (mother of Kayden), replied: “So happy I will finally be auntie. Congratulations lovers.“Of course, Teo’s mother also reacted:”Second time grandma! This is happiness.

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