Large families: Louise Orgeval targeted by an anonymous letter, her cash response

By participating in Large families, life in XXL, the tribes know that all is not rosy. If they have many fans, detractors are also present to sometimes make life difficult for them. Amandine Pellissard, for example, received several very violent letters at her home, so she filed a complaint. And this Tuesday, March 22, 2022, another mother revealed that she had been the target of an anonymous letter.

It is in Instagram story that Louise Orgeval first confided in her community on the subject, promising to read the famous letter a little later in the morning. The 36-year-old vocational high school logistics teacher took advantage of her lunch break to reveal everything live. “To reassure you, this don’t touch us at all, we have nothing to do with it. It’s funnier than anything else, especially since she’s not that bad“, first confided the wife of Kévin. The mother of Mano (15 years old), Swann (13 years old), Mia (11 years old), Loucio (9 years old), Oscar (6 years old) and Noée (2 years) then explained that the envelope was in his mailbox, in his name. The person in question wrote a handwritten letter, suggesting to the candidate that it was a person of a certain age. “It’s not nice and it’s really screwed to send that. (…) And it’s cowardly because there is no address of the person“, she clarified.

Louise Orgeval then revealed the content of the letter. “Dear Madam, I am watching this program and in my opinion, you’re doing too much to be sincere. You play a lot on the adoption of little Noée and you are in this kind of show for the money“, she read. The candidate then acknowledged that it was true that the images were very focused on their little girl, a carrier of trisomy 21. “Corn it is not our fault. We shot a lot of things that were not broadcast because TF1 chose to present our family from the angle of the adoption of Noée“, she justified herself. And to add that the participants of Large families were in no way remunerated. They simply have an allowance of 100 euros per day to reimburse certain costs, such as electricity for example. “We’re doing this show for fun, because it’s a lot of memories for the family, to spread a message, but certainly not for the money.“, she continued.

Louise Orgeval then confided that the author had described as “irritable“because he judged that she spoke with a mouth in the ass of a chicken. “It’s free, I love it. ‘Your laughter is nervous, you are not a good person.’ So the person who sends me this mail certainly considers himself to be a better person than me by sending such benevolent mail. (…) So here it is, it’s not phew. It’s more pathetic than anything“, she concluded.

Let’s hope for Louise and her family that this will be the only letter they receive. Especially since she revealed that her postal address could easily be found on the Internet because, for product placements, she had to create a company in her name. And the information about his home appears.

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