Large families: Has a child from the Gayat tribe married? Intriguing pictures…

If they haven’t appeared for a while on the show that revealed them, Large families, life in XXLthe Gayat continue to share their daily lives transparently on social networks. Because there are always a lot of ups and downs in the lives of parents Olivier and Soukdavone, and their nine children, aged 4 to 26 (Mathieu, Olivia, Téo, Chloé, Elsa, Alicia, Rudy, Nolane and Jade) . One of the members of the tribe has just made a big revelation on Instagram. This is’Elsa Gayat.

We need to tell you something incredible“, said the young woman of 19 years in story Instagram Wednesday, May 25, 2022. After which she shared a short video through which his companion Salah the engagement request! The couple then appeared side by side in wedding outfits. Indeed, Elsa revealed herself in a beautiful white dress with a bardot collar and a long train while Salah had unsheathed the white shirt and the bow tie. What naturally wonder if they had not indeed married!

But the legend suggests that it could be something else entirely. “And if one day we were Mr & Mrs DROUSSI. APPOINTMENT ON 29/05“, we read. We imagine then that the lovers are actually talking from a video clip given that Salah (22 years old) evolves as a rapper. Nevertheless, despite the doubt, Internet users have congratulated Elsa and her darling on their “marriage” en masse.

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