Large families: Gérôme Blois single dad, his new daily life far from Diana!

Among the tribes who share their daily life in Large families, life in XXLthe Blois delight viewers. Gerome and Diana are at the head of a family of nine children, seven girls and two boys. And while the clan seemed happier than ever, the couple were forced to separate. It is on social networks, where they continue to share their intimacy once the TF1 cameras are off, that they speak. Thereby, Gérôme reveals playing single fathers… for a few days.

On Instagram Monday March 28, 2022, he publishes a superb photo of himself accompanied by some of the children. “single daddy ! Who is single for a week? Well that’s not me lol“, he says in the caption. And to continue: “My little darling has arrived safely in Tunisia and she is going to enjoy herself for a week with her friends for their oriental dance course (there is also an aperitif course apparently). Make way for the Daddy who will manage like a boss. Finally, I will try…“This is how the faithful followers of the Blois family learn that Gérôme manages the siblings and the household alone, without his beautiful Diana, who has gone to spend a few days on the other side of the Mediterranean to perfect her oriental dance.

In comments, many of them support the happy dad. Diana Blois herself sends him a few encouraging words. “You are the best of course“, she writes under the publication. And Gérôme to answer: “As long as I am in your eyes, that’s the most important thing. In reality, it may not be too much.“A complicity that lasts, even when the lovers, cold with Amandine Pellissard the star of the program, are miles from each other!

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