Large families: Children in danger and victims of physical violence … in tears, a mother explodes

The first school year for Hajar, Noor, Kheïry-Dine (affected by a form of autism) and Chemsy-Dine (4 years old) did not go under the best auspices. On several occasions, Rofrane Bambara explained that the situation was complicated in their school. And for now, the year to come is still uncertain as the former candidate of Large families (TF1) entrusted it in Instagram story, June 22, 2022.

It is with a smile and full of determination that Rofrane Bambara went to the academy hoping to change her school quadruplets. But she was quickly sent back to the town hall. Not enough to taint his good mood. But leaving, it is angry that she made her reappearance on Instagram. “I leave the town hall. Looking at my face you can guess that it didn’t go super well. At the town hall itself, they do their job. It does not come from them but from all that is national education. Of this mafia. Everyone is covering for each other, so we are made to shut our mouths by promising us mountains and wonders. Basically just ‘shut up about what happened’. So physical violence, endangerment of children, discrimination. We put all that aside. Except that the day when we really want to change schools and we just ask to do things by the rules, we are told to get by“, she was indignant at first.

Rofrane Bambara cracks

The young woman, who was stricken by the disease, specified thatone day, she found Keïry-Dine alone in front of the school gate. After alerting the academy, he was promised that there would be no worries about the continuation of his children’s education and that they would do everything to help them. Yet she assures him on Wednesday, she was taken for a “imbecile“. The rectorate would have acted as if they could not help him concerning the registration. “I do not choose to have children who have particularities. You come across a school of co ** (…) We make you see all the colors. Things that are unacceptable and illegal. We are told that we are going to change schools and keep quiet because we have a certain influence. And in fact… I don’t know what to do anymore. We have to enroll our children. (…) We are alone facing an institution but it does not matter. God is great, as always we will get through this“, she continued in tears and exhausted. Fortunately, she was then able to smile again thanks to Hajar, Noor, Kheïry-Dine and Chemsy-Dine.

At the end of May, Rofrane Bambara revealed that she and her husband Nasser had made the decision that the quadruplets would not finish their school year because of the many worries they had encountered during the year. She had notably explained that one day, The teacher and the ATSEM (Specialized territorial agent for nursery schools) had refused to take Keïry-Dine in charge. It had ended in screaming and the withdrawal from school for the day of her four children. “They refused two of our children because we are reality TV people“, she lamented.

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