Large families: A Van Der Auwera child changes her look for a sad reason

Like the other tribes of Large families (TF1), the Van der Auwera share their daily life on Instagram. And on February 21, 2022, it was the change of look of one of the children that Cindy unveiled on Instagram. A publication that caused a sensation.

The school holidays got off to a strong start for Camille (19 years old). On Monday, the girl wanted a change. So she went to a hair salon to change haircut. Exit the long hair that TF1 viewers used to see. She wanted to make a square cut and her mom Cindy was quick to post a photo and video of the result. “My princess. I look at you and I have not seen the time pass. I see my little girl playing, laughing learning to dress. I will always be present by your side no matter what. You are becoming a pretty young woman, change: hairstyle, style, work, license. Soon a big project will see the light of day…. You move on and build your life, the one you want you to choose. You have your heart on your sleeve. . I will always be proud of you my darling. Go after your dreams, I will be there to accompany you. But know that even if I can no longer carry you in my arms, I will always carry you in my heart and in my arms. will now be used to embrace you, and will continue to comfort you. I love you my darling“, can we read in the caption.

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