Large families: A tribe announces its big return to the show

In 2020, TF1 launched its new entertainment program titled Large families, life in XXL. It quickly became one of the most unmissable events for thousands of French people. Among all the clans followed by the front page cameras, some have stood out, developing a very loyal community on social networks. This is particularly the case of santoro. So what was the shock for fans of the family of five children when the parents, Camille and Nicolas, have announced to leave the program in July 2021.

It’s an incredible adventure. We had a message to send… of hope and love… It’s done“, confided Camille Santoro on his social networks at the time. And to add: “The show gave us the opportunity to convey a message of love and hope but also to break a little the unfounded clichés that we can have on large families.”

But now, after almost a year away from the small screen, Camille Santoro and her children, who sometimes make her live through hell (Nino, Emie, the twins Mattia and Maé and the youngest Alba), have decided to make their big comeback on TF1! The pretty blonde announced the happy news on Instagram on Wednesday, March 16, 2022.”See you on March 23 for new adventures. We missed you“, she wrote in story under new promotional images of his tribe, adding: “Impossible is not Santoro“.

Internet users quickly reacted to express their great excitement at the idea of ​​seeing everyone on the air again. Messages that overwhelmed Camille Santoro with love. “We wanted to sincerely thank you. I did not expect as much, I even had a lot of apprehension. I didn’t know what you might think of our return to TV but we were looking forward to sharing lots of new things with you. I hope you will like it and that many of you will always be there.“, she said Thursday, March 17.

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