Large families – A mother who will soon be out of work and homeless: upset, she shares her distress

Last February, viewers were able to get to know the Orgeval. This beautiful tribe is made up of parents, Louisa (36 years old, teacher in a vocational school) and Kevin (37 years old, ambulance driver at the SMUR), and their six children: Mano, 14 years old, Swann, 13 years old, Mia, 10 years old, Loucio, 8 years old, Oscar, 5 years old , and Noée, 17 months, an adopted baby with trisomy 21.

In a few weeks, mom Louise has become very popular, in particular thanks to her presence on social networks. The pretty blonde has indeed taken a liking to confiding in her subscribers, even when it comes to sharing bad news. Tuesday April 5, 2022, it is precisely in small form that she made a live Instagram. Louise Orgeval explained that she was in a very bad position after she made the decision, ‘with her companion, to move.

It’s complicated, I was transferred, which is not bad news in itself. We had put our house up for sale and we sold it, finally we sign the compromise tomorrow, and it was supposed to be good news except that I’m terrified because behind there’s nothing“, she said sorry in front of the camera. The mother of six children was transferred to the Bordeaux academy which covers the entire region of New Aquitaine and, unfortunately, no position is available in the sector of Landes where she dreams of settling.”Which means that technically i don’t have a job either and above all, we have not found any accommodation for months“, she added with great emotion and on the verge of tears.

We don’t know if we won’t find ourselves in trouble

Louise and Kevin Orgeval have decided to move with the ambition of buying a medical transport company based in Dax, where the mother’s whole family lives. “I have my mother, my sister, my father… all in the Bordeaux region. We won’t be on the street, at worst we all show up at my mother’s house but that is not the goal. Can you imagine yourself at 36 going back to live with your mother with six children, two dogs and a pony? She would agree, but well it’s nice two minutes“, she explained. And for her to express her great anguish: “Every day, our children tell us that they don’t want to move and we impose that on them without knowing what we will find behind. We don’t know if we won’t find ourselves in trouble, without a house. Normally, a move is to go for the better and there I have the impression that we leave everything to find ourselves without a job perhaps, without a house… Nothing is certain for the moment, it sucks, it freaks out.

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