Large families: A mother reveals a surprising anti-crisis tip after a long hesitation…

Hard hard everyday life with several children at home! This is what the clans of Large families, life in XXL. And when the TF1 cameras go out, life goes on and it’s not always rosy. Florie and Bastien Galli know it well. These parents “very happy but still a bit tired” Arthur (11 years old), triplets Rose, Maxime and Lucie (3 years old) and Paul (1 year old) have their tips and tricks to make everyday life sweeter. This goes especially for the 37-year-old mother by idea unusual shared on Instagram Thursday, February 24, 2022.

I hesitated for a long time to make you this post but I said to myself after all I’m not afraid to say itlaunches Florie in the caption of a photo of her surrounded by her children … and hearing headphones on the ears. Instagram has allowed me to meet beautiful people and I have benefited from lots of advice and tips, so why be afraid to tell you about what often saves my nerves and gives me the strength to stay zen! You guessed it this is my helmet.

But what good is this helmet for him which “allows you to switch from the volume of a concert hall to that of a library“? Quite simply to escape the time of a crisis or argument! “Indeed with us the decibels are at the maximum… It’s not an anomaly it’s just that there are a lot of small children, who play, who bicker, who solicit me or compete for my attentionexplains Florie, whose eldest Arthur no longer wishes to appear in Large familieslife in XXL. And to be able to accomplish certain more complicated tasks such as baths and meals where my nerves can be put to the test and well I wear it and it does me a lot of good…

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