Large families: A mother accused of fraud by a relative, shattering revelations!

This message then evokes a scam. New charge against Cindy Reymond. This mother, who is with her lover Fernand at the head of a blended family of nine children, was already suspected of serious facts. “Violence, abandonment of his animals in the street, taking money from his children“Ashley said. And to recount a terrible scene where she saw Cindy Reymond”to smack big in the mouth of [son] 4 year old brother and his mouth was bleeding. A scene of incredible violence stopped dead thanks to the intervention of the father-in-law.

That’s not all: Cindy Reymond is also accused of having “left the six puppies alone for three days to go on vacation” and “abandoned three cats in the street“. Finally, concerning the said shenanigans, it would take place on Instagram, where she rigs the contests.”She does it on purpose to save people she knows“Ashley assured. So many shocking revelations to which the mother replied, indicating her intention to”lodge a complaint for defamation“.

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