Large families: A child borders on poisoning, his parents do not have the right gestures

The holidays almost went wrong. This Saturday, July 9, 2022, Justine Cordule took to her Instagram account and spoke in story to recount his latest disturbing misadventure. This concerned one of his seven children, Lubin, who found himself in a very serious situation. “We are accumulating serious, at the moment (…). We’ve been cast a spell, it’s not possible“, initially regretted the candidate of Large families, life in XXL.

And to explain:The night before last, Lubin made a big mistake. I didn’t talk about it right away becausewe were really worried, but I have to share it because it can happen to anyone. We didn’t do the right thing. We didn’t know how to do the right things“. The young boy took advantage of his parents having their attention diverted to open the cupboard in the kitchen of their mobile home where they stayed for a few days. He found detergent pods which he took for delicacies. “During the day, he had seen the pods. He kept saying to me: ‘The pods, they look like slime’“, recalled Justine Cordule, referring to the gooey and malleable dough that children love. And what had to happen, happened. “At once, we hear howling. He had taken a pod and he had crunched“, ended up revealing the young woman.

The poison control center called urgently

Right away I took Lubin, put him in the shower, washed his body where he had lye, cleaned his mouth. He was disgusted, he made himself vomit. We cleaned his mouth again and made him drink. But actually, that’s the thing not to do. I immediately called the poison control center. Apparently, it was also not necessary to make him vomit, and not to make him drink“, she said. The wife of Steve Cordule should have actually “take a damp cloth and clean the mouth“. There followed a sleepless night spent at his bedside. “So we kept her up until about midnight. The gentleman told us to make him eat dry biscuits, it absorbs the product he could have swallowed, make him sleep sitting up and watch all night.

Fortunately, more fear than harm for the tribe because in the early morning, Lubin was back in shape. So he hadn’t swallowed any detergent. If she decided to tell this story and to recognize her mistakes, it is mainly to do prevention on the subject, even if it means taking criticism. “Perfect moms, refrain from commenting, these are things that happen to everyone. I prefer to share the small techniques, you never know“, concluded Justine.

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