Large families: A candidate ready for cosmetic surgery, “I made an appointment…”

They are several clans to share their daily life in Large families, life in XXL. In front of the cameras of TF1 and even on social networks, parents of siblings display the simple moments of their lives. This is how Amandine Pellissard, mother of eight children with her lover Alexandre, had recourse to botox injections in the face and more particularly in the “expression lines, frown lines“. From now on, it is another figure of the flagship program who could well give in to the sirens of cosmetic surgery.

On Instagram, Thursday, February 10, 2022, Amber Dol talks about his relationship to his physique and talks about his complexes. “In terms of my body, I don’t really have one… I had 5 children and even if I’m not perfect: I thank him for carrying life and for being indulgent with me“, she confides. Not the same talk about her face. “My teeth, my nose and my wrinkles! If I have something to redo it’s my nose and I won’t hesitate to do cosmetic surgery… And to tell the truth, I think about it more and more… I don’t like him and I have the impression that I only see himshe says. As you can see in this photo, it is slender compared to my face, I have a bump on it and I have the tip falling and I find that to be an unsightly result! I made an appointment with a surgeon to talk more about it!

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