Langoustines with Jerôme Stepanian Fishmonger “Fereyre” and Sevag Agop Restaurant “l’Agopé” in Valence

This Monday morning, we were with our fishmonger Jerône Stepanian, from the Poissonnerie Fereyre, and with chef Sevag Agop, from the restaurant l’Agopé, Grande Rue, tosu deux in Valence.

We obviously talked about seasonal shellfish and crustaceans, of course!

For some time now, it has been high season for French Langoustines.

A fishing of quality, reasoned, in the respect of the quality.

Jerôme Stépanian, had brought langoustine tails peeled and marinated in salt, pepper and olive oil…

As for Chef Sevag Agop, he had worked the Langoustine heads and claws, in broth, flavored with curry, lemongrass, coriander, etc.

Listen to the show again and find the recipe HERE

Jerôme Stépanian, “Fereyre” Fish Market and Sevag Agop, “L’Agopée” Restaurant, in Valence © Radio France
Frank Daumas

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Peeled and Marinated Langoustines from France, by Poissonnerie "Fereyre" in Valencia
Peeled and Marinated Langoustines from France, by Poissonnerie “Fereyre” in Valence © Radio France
Frank Daumas
Raw Marinated Langoustine Tails and Langoustine Broth with Curry and Lemongrass, Zebra Zucchini, by Sevag Agop, Restaurant "Agopee" Valence
Raw Marinated Langoustine Tails and Langoustine Broth with Curry and Lemongrass, Zebra Zucchini, by Sevag Agop, Restaurant “L’Agopée” Valence © Radio France
Frank Daumas

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