Landslide in Saguenay: a fundraising campaign to support the family who lost everything

A crowdfunding campaign has been launched to help the family of five children who saw their house completely destroyed by the landslide that occurred Monday in the La Baie sector, in Saguenay.

• Read also: Landslide in Saguenay: residents shaken in the face of uncertainty

• Read also: Landslide: memories of a lifetime destroyed

• Read also: Landslides in Saguenay: the rain makes us fear the worst

The publication allows us to know a little more about this couple who had put their savings and their energies into renovating this house on 8th avenue which was stolen from them by the fury of Mother Nature at the start of the week.

Erika and Charles-David had owned this house for a few years and had built the little nest there which welcomed their five children from 1 to 11 years old. The colleagues who launched the campaign explain that the family had been evacuated for a few weeks and had only been able to recover the bare necessities in the company of the firefighters.

“Never would they have thought that they would never see again [la maison]“, can we read in the moving message.

“The children have lost everything and they would so much like to find their toys, their house. Certainly the material is nothing compared to their saved lives, but all the memories attached are all they have left now.

Not covered

The publication confirms the difficult fate of the family who saw their insurer refuse to pay for the loss of their residence and the material goods which were there.

They will therefore have to turn to the government’s compensation program which provides for a maximum compensation of $260,000 for the building and the land, in addition to additional unquantified amounts for movable property.

However, the family risks losing a lot of money since their house, which is valued at just under $220,000 according to the municipal property roll, had recently been extensively renovated. Its market value in today’s market was most likely much higher.

Goal $30,000

The initial goal of the kitty was set at $30,000 by the organizers to help the family.

Friday morning, less than 24 hours after the launch of the campaign, $4,500 had been raised.

To view the link to the crowdfunding campaign, click here.

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