Landslide in La Baie: a future landslide is now inevitable

It is now inevitable that a second landslide will occur in the evacuated sector of La Baie, according to the authorities who are analyzing the situation closely, day by day.

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Fifty-three additional residences were evacuated in the La Baie sector, in Saguenay, on Saturday evening, due to analyzes which suggested the possibility of another imminent ground movement.

To date, a total of 187 people have had to pack up for an indefinite period which could last for months, according to Mayor Julie Dufour.

But now the head of the Fire Department of the City of Saguenay, Carol Girard, confirmed Monday morning that he was “certain” that a second ground movement was going to occur.

“Yes, there will be ground movement, but we don’t know when it will happen. We are observing the situation closely,” he explains, adding that the security perimeter could very well be modified in the coming days.

The Chief of the City of Saguenay Fire Department, Carol Girard

Photo Roger Gagnon

The Chief of the City of Saguenay Fire Department, Carol Girard

The authorities to understand the exact cause of the landslide that occurred on June 13th. But the analyzes of the experts made it possible to establish that the composition of the soil was similar to that of Saint-Jean-Vianney during the fatal landslide in 1971.

“We are trying to see if there is a way to establish a strategy for consolidating the terrain,” explains Mr. Girard.

In the meantime, two 4-meter-high sand dykes have been installed on 6th Street and Avenue du Port to act as a barrier when the landslide occurs.

More information to come…

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