Land use planning | QS and the mayors are in “community of spirit”, says Marissal

(Quebec) The mayors who criticize the Legault government, particularly in the area of ​​land use planning, are in “community of spirit” with Quebec solidaire (QS), believes Vincent Marissal.

Posted at 9:50 a.m.

Caroline Plante
The Canadian Press

In a press briefing at the National Assembly on Thursday, the deputy for QS in Rosemont applauded the recent public outings of young elected municipal officials, who are calling for real action against climate change.

He pointed out that their priorities, namely the protection of the environment, the addition of public transport and the construction of housing, corresponded perfectly to those of his political formation.

Moreover, according to him, the parliamentary leader of QS, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, “leads the ball” on these issues every day in the National Assembly. It’s been QS’s “bread and butter” for years, he said.

“There is a community of spirit at the moment between the priorities of QS, the political action that we are carrying out, and these mayors and mayors”, welcomed Mr. Marissal.

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