If you are looking for a great gourmet address in Chalosse, go to the Bistroquet de la Dame in Brassempouy. You will discover the talent of the more than promising young chef David Jourdan. His cooking is a great discovery. Installed with his partner Mélanie since 2020 in the heart of the village just next to the PréhistoSite of the town, the restaurant is starting to be talked about very seriously. It must be said that the reception is at the top, that the cuisine seizes you and that the place is very pleasant, even more so on sunny days on the terrace.
David Jourdan’s “land and sea”
But how do you define the cuisine of this young thirty-year-old from Brittany who grew up in Chalosse? The task is tough as the level is high. The best thing is to test, taste, savor to form your own opinion. There is no need here to put the cart before the horse and tell you that in a short time the rewards of the sacrosanct Michelin Guide will inevitably fall even if we are almost convinced of it. The only certainty is that the reputation of the Bistroquet de la Dame is growing day after day thanks to the benefits of the famous word of mouth.
David Jourdan practices a cuisine that is both instinctive and logical. Sublimating seasonality and local products, highlighting taste above all to make you live what can be described as a culinary experience. Take the example of his “land and “sea”: “Breaded pig’s feet, beetroot cream, julienned apples, herring mousse and fennel pesto”, just at the statement we saliva, at the tasting we can no longer find the words. And yet nothing seems rocket science in the recipe but the alchemy works wonderfully well.
Creaminess, crunch, freshness, pep and delicacy qualify this dish that you would eat twice!
the Bistroquet de la Dame, a place of exchange and sharing above all
This restaurant is primarily a place of sharing, meeting, exchange, discussion, the workers of the sector eat lunch there, people passing through and regulars meet there. It is in all modesty but with assurance that we welcome you to treat you. To test absolutely and without waiting, with family, friends, lovers! Instead, take a look at what the menu may look like, which changes regularly depending on the arrival of products.