Lanaudière | A “young fisherman” is missing in Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola

A young fisherman who put his line in the water Friday morning on the banks of the St. Lawrence River in Lanaudière has been reported missing.

The Sûreté du Québec (SQ) would not confirm that the person was a minor, instead referring to a “young fisherman.” The police force indicated that the incident took place in Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola, in the MRC D’Autray.

The police were called to the scene around 8:15 a.m. As the fisherman is still missing, the SQ deployed a large number of personnel to try to find him.

Nicolas Scholtus-Champagne, spokesperson for the SQ, listed that there was a helicopter team and the SQ nautical patrol on site who are working in collaboration with local fire departments as well as the Coast Guard.

The SQ’s emergency response module has been activated. Foot patrol officers are also patrolling the banks accompanied by dog ​​handlers.

“We are also working with members of the community who are on site and who could give us relevant information,” said Officer Scholtus-Champagne.

It is not yet known whether the young fisherman was wearing a life jacket.

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