Lake Malawi, a small paradise for fishermen and tourists


Video length: 5 min.

France 2

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The 13 Heures Découverte takes you all week long to meet the most beautiful lakes in the world. This Tuesday, June 13, head for Lake Malawi, one of the deepest on the planet. It also straddles three countries.

The first rays of the sun gradually warm Lake Malawi, and encourage the morning fishermen who start their day. “We are going to get the net, there are two hours. Sometimes, it’s difficult when the lake is rough”, says John Thomas, fisherman. The lake measures 580 kilometers long and stretches between Tanzania, Mozambique and Malawi, which gave it its name. It is one of the most full of fish of the world, wealth for the pfishermen, but also for the inhabitants on the coasts. Those who do not fish in the villages are responsible for drying or selling.

Tourism is growing there.

The local economy is also based on tourism, which is gradually developing around the lake, particularly on the island of Likoma, a small paradise of 18 square kilometers with a few hotels. For a year, Paul Juma can live from his passion: cooking. “There is a kind of harmony on the island, with a much calmer pace of life”, underlines a French tourist. To fully enjoy the lake, the group of tourists can also enjoy the seabed. Some species of fish are found only in these waters. Little known to the general public, Lake Malawi is one of the ten largest in the world.

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