The actor Frédéric Pierre is the main author and one of the main actors of the dramatic comedy Lakay Nou, which will be directed by Ricardo Trogi, announced Radio-Canada on Tuesday. The series of 10 30-minute episodes will be shot starting in June and will star Catherine Souffront, Mireille Métellus and Fayolle Jean.
The Director General of Radio-Canada Television, Dany Meloul, and the Director of Drama Programs, André Béraud, himself of Haitian origin, did not fail to emphasize the “historic” nature of the forthcoming broadcast of this series on ICI TOU.TV Extra.
“It’s not a step, it’s a staircase”, illustrates André Béraud, who says he has refused other series proposals highlighting diversity in recent years, “because they were artificial “. “I found in this scenario an authenticity, which is local, that is to say anchored in the Haitian community, and global, because it reaches everyone. »
Series Lakay Nou (Our house in Creole) is produced by Jumelage, the company of Frédéric Pierre, who turned to producer Louis Morissette to ensure the smooth running of the project. “We are all very aware that our TV must change, admits the latter. But if it’s still written by 50-year-old white men, it’s going to end up looking like this. If we want to change the basic movement, we have to turn to authors, creators from these communities, and that will give an organic work from start to finish. »
Director Ricardo Trogi, Catherine Souffront and Frédéric Pierre, who co-wrote the screenplay for Lakay Nou
Even if Frédéric Pierre is the ideator and the main author of the series, he did not want to work in a vacuum. Catherine Souffront and Angelo Cadet, both of Haitian origin, are co-authors. François Avard was hired as script-editor and Marie-Hélène Lebeau-Taschereau as content producer.
“It’s an intergenerational family comedy focused on the sandwich generation, that is to say the children of the first generation of immigrants, born in Quebec, and who themselves had children”, summarizes Frédéric Pierre, who will play the character of Henri, married to Myrlande (Catherine Souffront).
The couple, at the dawn of their forties, have three children and live in a semi-detached house, next to Henri’s parents, Manmi and Papi (Mireille Métellus and Fayolle Jean). A “tightly woven” family, says Frédéric Pierre, who started working on this project two years ago.
“We are talking about a generational sandwich based on culture, specifies Frédéric Pierre, because the culture of the oldest is rooted in Haiti. So that creates pressure on Henri and Myrlande, who have three completely Quebec children. »
The authors, who were inspired by their own families, were interested in the identity quest of the characters of Henri and Myrlande. “At some point, there are opportunities that present themselves to them, but they realize that they have always wanted to please either their parents or their children, explains Frédéric Pierre. And by accepting these changes, there will be repercussions for the Honoré-Prosper clan. »
With this series, Frédéric Pierre wants to “change the image of the black community on TV”. “I couldn’t wait for us to celebrate our successes as well, for us to be a little ‘Black Joy’, to show that there are black people who are well off, who aren’t in street gangs. »
Talent Match
Ricardo Trogi was selected for his talent as a “comedy director”. “The reality is that there are not many Haitian directors who have experience in comedy, we looked! launches Frédéric Pierre. To compensate for the novice side of the team, we needed a seasoned captain like Ricardo. But we chose a Haitian director who will be paired with Ricardo, precisely to learn the trade. I can’t say who it is yet, because we are still looking for a way to integrate it into the structure, but we will announce it later. »
I’m not Haitian, but I’m going to throw myself into this with a lot of humility and energy. I like to see what I read. I think this is an important moment for Quebec television.
Ricardo Trogi
There will be dialogues in Creole, subtitled in French. “Especially when the characters of Manmy and Grandpa talk to each other. We’re going to save enough to color the series. And if I rely on my white friends who came to my house, the Quebec ear likes to hear Creole, ”says Frédéric Pierre.
The issue of language transmission to children could also be addressed in the series. “It’s a tragedy for me, because my father was more concerned with correcting my French than teaching me Creole. I understand the language, but I don’t speak it very well. I got called white when I was in Haiti! »
Series Lakay Nou will be broadcast on ICI Tou.TV Extra during the 2023-2024 season before being broadcast on Ici Télé.