“L’Agneau de l’Adret”, in the kitchen, with Bruno Damiens President of the Label rouge “agneau de l’Adret” and breeder in Champis, in Ardèche and chef Raymond Laffont, Toqué d’Ardèche and Chef of “Panoramic” in Ozone.
With our guests, we learned what the “Agneau de l’Adret” really is, of which the Ardèche is the leading producer.
Everyone gave us “His” recipe: Raymond Lafoont, told us how he cooks “Le Baron d’Agneau” or even the “Souris d’Agneau”, as for Brno, it’s the Leg of 7 hours, which has had his preference.
L’Agneau de l’Adret” Gourmet show with a product from our region, to listen to again, HERE.
– Frank Daumas