Laëtitia Servières (Large families): Big decision taken “in an emergency” for her daughter, the shaken clan

There’s never enough for Servieres ! After having already welcomed eight children, Maëva, 18, Maëlys, 15, Mandy, 12, Leny, 10, Manaëlle, 8, Melya, soon to be 6, Milyana, 3 and a half, and Léo, 1 year old. and a half -, parents Laëtitia and Sébastien revealed on their Instagram account a few months ago that a ninth baby was on the way and expected for the beginning of July.

And they were not mistaken since it was July 2 that the little boy showed up. “It is with great emotion that we present to you our love kitten Loëvannhad written his mom star of Large families, life in XXL on Instagram. My baby, you make the dates of birth an even number. We are so happy that you are finally among us, you made us yearn. We all love you very much“.

But now, barely recovered from her emotions that Laëtitia Servières was confronted with very bad news. She is forced to separate from one of her children. Indeed, it is the young Maëlys who will have to leave the family cocoon from the next school year to go to boarding school. And for good reason, the only high school near the house of the tribe remains an hour’s drive away despite everything. It is then impossible for the couple to cross such a distance daily, they who confided that they already have an “XXS budget” and are regularly obliged to make sacrifices. “Registration of Maëlys at high school urgently this morning so that it goes to the mail, because otherwise you have to bring her to high school an hour away“, explained Laëtitia in Instagram story. And to be sorry: “I have a heavy heart. Maëlys must go to boarding school at the start of the school year. I am not ready“.

It will certainly be a major change for this ultra-close-knit family. Maëlys will however have to be content to go home for the weekend or the holidays…

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