Laëtitia Provenchère (Large families) pregnant and widowed: “Fortunately Nolann was there…”

At 36, Laëtitia Provenchère is the head of a family of four children: a boy, Nolann, 3 years old and three 1-year-old triplets, Emmy, Lyna and Noëlya. All this little clan has recently been part of the adventure Large families, life in XXL (TF1).

Her children are the fruit of her love with Guillaume, the man she married but without whom she is now learning to live. In August 2020, her husband, a volunteer firefighter, died in a work accident. A tragic and sudden disappearance, especially since Laëtitia is pregnant with triplets. A thousand questions then arise in the mind of the young woman, torn between mourning and annihilation and her role as mother. Continuing her pregnancy is not a priority at the moment. “I told myself that I would see how it unfolded without projecting myself and concentrating my energy on Nolann“, she says in the pages of Star TV.

Love was stronger than anything: “Eventually I decided to keep the triplets and focus on them and Nolann.she continues. I motivated myself so that he had a very structured daily life. Luckily he was there, laughing, crying, because he represented life…“Nearly two years after the tragedy, Laëtitia is still standing and intends to remain so:”I wanted to show my strength and it’s exactly this type of feedback that I have since the shows where I appear are broadcast. I am entitled to a great deal of kindness.

The solo mother of four admits it, the show was very life-saving. HAS TV 2 weeks last March, Laëtitia spoke about the shootings and the way in which they had allowed her to move forward: “It’s totally me, I recognize myself 100%. The film crews were great. They are extremely caring people. For me, it was like therapy, it took me out of my daily life… Being alone with triplets and Nolann, my days are a bit of a cut and paste, it’s a bit military. I clearly put my life on hold for my children. But this shoot helped me because they took me out of my daily life, they asked me questions about myself… Their presence made me feel good.“Amazing.

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