Laëtitia Provenchère (Large families): her 4 children born prematurely, poignant photos

The Pellissards, the Santoros (who are making their comeback in the new season) or even the Galli have almost no more secrets for TF1 viewers who follow assiduously Large families, life in XXL. But this Wednesday, March 23, 2022, three new families are presented: the Huberts, the Boibessots and the Provenchères. Each has its own story and that of the last tribe is particularly moving.

Laëtitia is the proud mother of Nolann (3 years old) and the triplets, Emmy, Lyna and Noëlya (1 year old). And for each of her pregnancies, her children were a little too eager to show up. On November 17, on the occasion of World Prematurity Day, the beautiful 36-year-old brunette revealed that she had never carried a pregnancy to term. “November 17. World Prematurity Day, to our little warriors eager to discover the world! 4 children and 4 premature babies, my children, my little soldiers!!! I am so proud of you and of this fight that we fought so well. There were tears, doubts but above all a lot of courage and love for these weeks spent in the hospital. My sunshine!!! My life. Our 4 children“, she wrote on Instagram.

To illustrate her words, Laëtitia published photos of her four children after their birth. On the first, Nolann appears intubated, sleeping. On the other photos published, two of her sisters had the right to the same fate, but had a tube at the level of the nose.

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