Laetitia Provenchère (Large families) facing the death of her husband: the terrible announcement to her son Nolann

In Large families, life in XXL, viewers discovered new tribes. Among them, that of Laetitia Provenchere, single mother of four children: little Nolann (3 years old) and the 1-year-old triplets, Emmy, Lyna and Noëlya. She has been raising them alone since the death of her husband Guillaume, a volunteer firefighter, in a work accident. From the podcast The whirlwindthe young woman tells how she announced the sad news to her son Nolann, then 2 years old at the time of the disappearance of his dad.

Sébastien fell from a ladder. And at the time of the accident, Laetitia Provenchère, then two months pregnant, was four hours away. She therefore joined her dear and tender by leaving her son to his grandmother. “On Sunday, when I come home, before knowing that there was no sequel for Guillaume, I talk about it with Nolann and explain to him that dad had a big sore“, remembers the one who was able to count on the generosity of relatives. At this time, the terrible news has not yet fallen …

Finally, the young mother is confronted with the death of her husband. Then, she returns to find her little boy and makes the decision to tell him the whole truth, on the advice of a child psychiatrist who indicates that it is better not to “beat around the bush“.”On the 10th, when Guillaume dies, I come home at the end of the day and there I don’t talk to Nolann about it.she says. I don’t talk to him about it until the next day because I was afraid to tell him just before it gets dark. I told him about it the next day. I told him that dad was dead, that he was in heaven.

In time, Laetitia Provenchère is brought to make some clarifications as to the circumstances of Guillaume’s departure. “It’s not that dad left and didn’t come back. He didn’t leave with another woman. Right away, it was a ritual. I told him that dad had a very big sore on the head and that he died“, she says. Then, it is also useful at some point to clarify the fact that dad is “to the sky“because Nolann developed”a kind of fad for planes“.”I explained to him that no, that he is in heaven and that is where people go when they are dead“, she concludes. An extremely difficult moment for the little family…

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