Laetitia Milot completely naked: sensual photo for a noble cause!

In legend, the young mother speaks on this subject. “Even if there are no specific days or months to speak and act against cancer, I take advantage of pink October to speak about it once again. Everyone is affected by this terrible scourge that affects us all directly or indirectly. Too many relatives have left because they were not detected in time. Think of yourself, think of your health, of your life“, she then launches. hashtagLaetitia Milot specifies: “Take care of yourself.“A great initiative widely welcomed by Internet users, many of whom like and comment on the post.

Health, the young woman knows how precious it is. First of all because she herself suffers from a pathology. Laetitia Milot has endometriosis, a gynecological disease causing severe pain and which can cause infertility. And many years ago, she lost her first love to illness. Before Badri, she was in a relationship with Yannis, who died at 22 after battling chin cancer.

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