Laetitia Hallyday accused of being a “bad mother”? His uncompromising response to the bikini photos of his daughters!

Mother of two teenage girls, Laeticia Hallyday is regularly criticized about the education she gives to her daughters Jade (17) and Joy (13). And for good reason, the latter are very present on social networks like TikTok or Instagram where they accumulate tens of thousands of subscribers… Photos with their friends, family vacations or simple selfies… Like all teenagers of their generation , Jade and Joy are used to sharing their daily lives on the web. Facts and gestures that are meticulously scrutinized by Internet users… And very often, it is Laeticia Hallyday who takes it for her rank!

Accused of neglecting the schooling of her daughters, of leaving them too much freedom or even of authorizing them to share naked photographs on the Web, Laeticia Hallyday only rarely addresses haters, aware that silence is the best of contempt… “You can say what you want about me, I’m used to it. But I do not accept being judged on my role as a mother when nothing is known about my life as a mother “she had all the same confided to the Sunday newspaper in 2019.

Her response to Jade’s bikini pics

More recently, Friday July 8, Laeticia Hallyday was once again the target of attacks from Internet users! The reason ? While she is currently on vacation in the south of France, via her Instagram account, Jade posted several photos of herself wearing a bikini! A shot that Laeticia Hallyday immediately commented on: ” Mon Amour “ (my love in French), she wrote, all accompanied by a heart! The proof that Laeticia Hallyday is far from not being aware of what her daughters post on the Web … And better yet, that she validates their content!

See also: Joy, Johnny Hallyday’s youngest daughter, makes a heartbreaking call for help on TikTok: she can’t mourn…

Lisa Ziane

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