Laetitia Casta mum: her one and only regret for her four children

On December 22, 2021, Laetitia Casta will be back in the cinema with her husband Louis Garrel. The star couple will indeed be featured in the film The crusade. On a promo tour for this eco-friendly family comedy presented last summer at the Cannes Film Festival, the 43-year-old actress gave a new interview to the magazine Femina version December 20. The opportunity for her to talk about her busy family life with her four children.

From a first relationship with photographer Stéphane Sednaoui, Laetitia Casta has a grown daughter: Sahteene, 20 years old. The actress also Orlando and Athena (15 and 12 years old), born from her union with the Italian actor Stefano Accorsi, then Azel (8 months), whom she shares with her husband Louis Garrel. Born in Normandy and raised in Corsica, the ex-model prefers the countryside to the city. However, it is far from the meadows that she raises her siblings: “It’s my only regret, she confides to the magazine. Fortunately, they often accompanied me on my escapades. This respect that I have for the environment must necessarily have passed a little, but unconsciously. “

Laetitia Casta dreamed of this pretty blended siblings who fascinate her: “If I had not had the chance to have my children, I would have found this tribe elsewhere, with my friends, for example, she explains. I do not think that it is necessary to have children to be fulfilled or to find what we lack and consolidate us. “Like her character Marianne, whom she plays in The crusade, the actress says she listens to her children, she even “need“:”I sincerely believe that what they have to say is very important. Their opinion matters a lot. I find it very beautiful to be able to consider their world in its own right, to esteem it. “

In comedy The crusade, Laetitia Casta and Louis Garrel play the roles of Marianne and Abel. The couple find out that their 13-year-old son Joseph has been sneaking around their most valuable items. They quickly understand that Joseph is not the only one, they are hundreds of children around the world associated to finance a mysterious project. They made it their mission to save the planet.

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