Laeticia Hallyday with an open heart on Johnny’s multiple addictions, heartbreaking secrets

This Thursday, December 8, 2022, M6 broadcast an unpublished documentary entitled “Johnny by Laeticia”. A realization signed William Karel through which the admirers of Taulier were able to discover the intense personality of the artist. In a recent interview for Paris Match, the mother of Jade and Joy remembered in particular a catastrophic concert of the rocker organized in Las Vegas (United States). Wishing at all costs to sing in English, the fans had been disappointed by the performance of the singer. ” I didn’t know anything about the job but I had felt before that he wasn’t ready. A lot of lightness, few repetitions, alcohol was very present at the time, even physically, he was a caricature “confided the one who now shares her life with Jalil Lespert.

“You are pathetic to get high”

At the time, it had only been 7 months since Laeticia Hallyday had said ” yes to Johnny. And seeing her husband take drugs like that, she couldn’t stand it. ” Tomorrow is really hard. You have to be there to reassure him, to give him love without judging him, without telling him: ‘I want to kick your ass because you suck at getting high’. He’s in pain, he’s unhappy, he knows he screwed up, he tells me it’s over, his career won’t resume, he’s shit, he’s a has-been. He keeps saying, ‘I’m finished! It’s finish !’ Me, I help him, I accompany him, I watch him destroy himself “, she explained in the columns of our colleagues. And to clarify that she was still crying “ in secret, not in front of him”. “Have you seen ‘A Star is Born’, with Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga? Well, it’s the same. Even worse. It goes so far, he plays with death. crack replaced russian roulette “. Shocking secrets…


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