Laeticia Hallyday “upset” by Johnny’s teenage bedroom: first images of the crazy exhibition!

The exhibition on Johnny Hallyday has not finished talking. The project which will open its doors in Brussels on December 20 was seen by Laeticia Hallyday. And the 47-year-old widow was totally seduced and captivated by Johnny Hallyday the Exhibition. “Looks like Johnny’s gonna be therewe imagine him sitting on the bed!“, confided the mother of Jade and Joy Hallyday, as reported by AFP. She came to Brussels to observe the preparations for the exhibition on the “teen idol“, and does not hide having been moved by the reconstruction of the star’s teenage bedroom. On the walls there are Elvis record covers on the wall, a photo of Brigitte Bardot, a guitar, a record player , knick-knacks Johnny’s room, at his aunt’s, 13 rue de la Tour des Dames in Paris, has been recreated as faithfully as possible, based on available photos.

What upset Laeticia Hallyday. The one who has rebuilt her life with Jalil Lespert has expressed her emotion. “It’s quite upsetting“, she thus recognized. Co-producer of the exhibition, she is proud of the result and did not fail to share it with her subscribers on Instagram. In particular a photo of her alongside Jean-Claude Camus. After Brussels, a city dear to the heart of the deceased rocker, the exhibition will head to Paris, then to other cities in France, for “meet people“, as Johnny did, explained Laeticia Hallyday to AFP. “JI really wanted to keep his memory and his work alive, this project is a way to bring him back to life, to be closer to him, it’s a journey through the whole story of his life“, adds the mother of the two teenagers, youngest daughters of the late star. She assures that Johnny Hallyday the Exhibition reveals all its facets, “the man, his fragility, his sensitivity, his humility, and the excessive artist that he was“.

I’m a bit like Johnny’s memory, I dated him for 35 years anyway!

The spectacle and the intimate come together in this “immersive” exhibition of 3,000 m2, whose plan follows the shape of a guitar. The lucky ones will be guided by musical memories but also accompanied by the famous voice of a close friend of the rocker: Jean Reno. In the center, a 360-degree video of concert extracts will be projected. The public will be able to admire around thirty stage costumes and around fifty guitars. The show’s Europe 1 studio Hi buddies of the 1960s, the singer’s office in his house in Marnes-la-Coquette where he spent the last moments of his life, as well as the cinema he had set up there will also be reproduced. And if Laeticia Hallyday is so moved, it’s because she gave herself body and soul to this project. “I’ve been carrying out this project for two years, I’ve been nourished by everything I’ve learned from itshe said. I’m a bit like Johnny’s memory, I dated him for 35 years anyway! I bring my memories, I try to transcribe things exactly as they happened.“And she knows he would have been proud of that. More than three thousand tickets have been sold in a few days for the exhibition in Brussels, scheduled from December 20 to June 30, 2023, for which the organizers hope for 175,000 entries. Paris, it will be necessary to wait until January 2024 at the Palais des Expositions at the Porte de Versailles.

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